Saturday, 20 November 2010

High Altitude Climbing

Mum and dad have been pondering on climbing Aconcagua in South America.  I hope they've sorted out my pet passport by then - I really fancy cocking my leg up there !!!  I wonder if I can get a 800 fill down doggy suit????

Mum was trying on Ann's high altitude boots, Millet Everests I think they were called

I find these a little on the garish side - I'm more a Scarpa Vega sort of pooch

Wedded Bliss - everyone's at it !!!!

Well - it's been a while since I've had the chance to update you on my adventures.  Mum and Dad came home from their honeymoon in Italy - so much for the promise of a pedigree chum flavoured pizza.  I bet they ate it on the plane on the way home - grrrrrr.

They did take me up to Ann and Dan's wedding in Ballachulish though.  I wasn't invited to the ceremony, but managed to sneak into the photos.  I must be a better looking dog than I thought, as everyone wanted to hold me, but I saved all that for the Bride who looked particularly hot - WOOF WOOF

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

A busy day in the office

I think if I practised my typing skills a little more, then I could well make a success of this office based work.  Hang on - someone is on the dog and bone - must go.

Leisure time photos