Saturday, 20 October 2012

There's trouble in the Highlands

Disturbing evidence from NASA satellite imagery has revealed a drastic change over the last couple of days with carbon degradation in the areas surrounding Lochaber, allied with a massive carbon hotspot right in the heart of Glencoe.

As a result, the Forestry Commision has employed the finest in investigative detectives to get to the bottom of the problem.  So the great Sherlock Bones has been padding around the local forests to understand the scale of the issue and look for evidence.

Sherlock has concluded that bloody city types have moved into the area and have taken the idea of self sufficiency in there heating to an unsustainable level.  Their wood pile is huge and growing daily.  However, this could not be achieved solely by an enthusistic couple alone.  They must have had an accomplice.  In steps Archie, the lumber dog.  The finest of wood collectors in the land.

Hey mum - Hey dad - A night up the Clachaig awaits tonight, a hobbit folk band are playing, can't wait - I just hope I don't have to get dressed again - you never know up in these parts - it could be a tranvestite hobbit band, and I really don't think I'd look good in Ann's fishnets - Yikes

Friday, 19 October 2012

Another day in the Glen

Don't get me wrong, I really do love coming to visit Ann and Dan, but it can be a bit of a strange experience.

For starters, Ann just wants to cuddle me all the time.  I'm quite happy, sitting on the rug in front of the sofa, but she insists on getting me on the couch so I can be meticulously tickled, stroked, brushed and tickled some more.  Some dogs like this, but Jeeez - give it a rest woman.

There I was curled up last night, in between the pair of them, getting warmer by the minute, and Dan decides to have a wee snooze strechting himself out and blocking me in - sweating my paws off I was, and Ann couldn't work out why I retired to the coolness of the hallway.

And then there's Dan.  He has this mad fixation with wood at the moment.  And I'm not talking about the fact that Ann has been working away a lot and he's more then excited when she comes home. 

No - the man is obsessed with collecting firewood for his logburner.  Last nights walk saw the pair of them take me out for a cracking walk up around the lochan, and then follow the more adventurous yellow trail.  I thought it wierd that they both went out carrying their 80 litre rucksacks, both empty, until I realised what they were up to.  They had found a stash of rather chunky pine trunks, about 3ft in length, and stashed them in thier rucksack.  I mean, there was enough wood there to keep Windsor castle warm for a week.  And off they both stumbled, fully laden back to the house.  And if that's not enough, Dan did the same again this morning with me.

It's like being out with Ray Mears all the time - all I'm waiting for now it to be dressed up in a lumberjack shirt, have a bow saw stuffed in my mouth and be sent out in the woods to do my own chopping - in time, in time.

But to be fair, this mornings walk was another cracker.  Dan took a route completely off the trail and through the forest, neatly following the contour around and emerging in exactly the place he wanted to - not sure if it was more luck than judgement, but it was cracking all the same.  The rutting deer were out in force this morning - not sure what all the fuss is about - they just sound like cows to me.  Mooooooooo

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Anniversary fun

Mum and Dad, (Nick and Pam for those who don't know them) are coming up to their 2nd wedding anniversary and once again, I've been handed over to the Parry household for a long weekend.  Yep - anniversary's are that time to get all mushy and romantic, box of chocolates, bottle of bubbly, weekend away, a bit of nooky without the kids and the pets around - what makes them think I want to watch all that anyway.  But some chocolates ............ummmmmm

Anyhow, I'm more that happy to be checking out the new Parry pad up in Glencoe.  Headed here last night.  Mum and Dad have this new thing of drugging me before I head into the car - personally I think a double scotch would be better, but what the hell sort of tablets they gave me last night I can not imagine.  For nearly 3 hours I must have been dreaming the worst of doggy dreams, the rain was teaming down, Ann was driving on the wrong side of the canal all the way at only about 30 knots - oh hang on a minute, perhaps that's because the weather was so awful, and the roads were flooded most of the way.  I know she should have taken the landie, or a boat.

But we got here safe, and up early this morning for a mighty fine walk - up through the forest, around the lochan and not a single duck chase - I can sometimes be good !!!!

The autumnal colours are superb - I think I may have to do a runner so Ann can't take me back on Sunday